1. Eligibility Criteria

  • Candidates must be citizens of India and adhere to the age requirements as specified by the Election Commission of India.
  • They must be registered members of EKAM Sanatan Bharat Dal and uphold the principles and values of the party.

2. Nomination Process

  • Candidates must be nominated by the party leadership or through the party’s internal selection process.
  • They must submit all required documentation and fulfill any legal or regulatory requirements for candidacy.

3. Campaigning Guidelines

  • Candidates must conduct their election campaigns in accordance with the guidelines set forth by the Election Commission of India.
  • They must refrain from engaging in any illegal, unethical, or defamatory campaigning practices.

4. Financial Transparency

  • Candidates must maintain transparent financial records of their campaign expenditures and adhere to all financial regulations set by the Election Commission of India.
  • They must submit detailed financial reports to the party leadership and regulatory authorities as required.

5. Party Loyalty

  • Candidates must demonstrate unwavering loyalty to EKAM Sanatan Bharat Dal and its leadership.
  • They must not engage in activities that may harm the reputation or interests of the party.

6. Ethical Conduct

  • Candidates must conduct themselves with integrity, honesty, and respect for all individuals, regardless of political affiliation.
  • They must refrain from making false promises, engaging in bribery, or any other unethical behavior.

7. Compliance with Laws

  • Candidates must comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and election guidelines set forth by the Election Commission of India.
  • They must ensure that their campaign activities adhere to legal and regulatory requirements at all times.

8. Accountability

  • Candidates are accountable to the party leadership and members for their actions and decisions during the election campaign.
  • They must actively participate in party meetings, discussions, and activities as required.

9. Conflict Resolution

  • Candidates must resolve any conflicts or disputes within the party through peaceful and democratic means.
  • They must prioritize the interests of the party and its members above personal or factional interests.

10. Termination of Candidacy

  • The party reserves the right to terminate the candidacy of any individual who violates these terms and conditions or engages in behavior detrimental to the party’s interests.
  • Such termination may result in the withdrawal of party support and endorsement for the candidate.

By accepting the nomination as a Lok Sabha candidate of EKAM Sanatan Bharat Dal, candidates agree to abide by these terms and conditions and uphold the principles and values of the party.